WOW!! 7 months down 5 to go!
Here's the link to August's wrap up if you missed it :) LINK
Here's the link to September's wrap up if you missed it :) LINK
Here's the link to October's wrap up if you missed it :) LINK
Here's the link to November's wrap up if you missed it :) LINK
Commonly asked questions
What states did you do in the month of January? Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas
How many states are done in total? 23 Go HERE for the list and to see a map of all the cities I've visited.
What's been your favorite (in FEB)? ART I love Art! New Orleans Art and when we use art to celebrate a life, like on MLK day. You can get wisdom from anywhere including the movies. It was good to see Nashville rebuilding itself. Seeing that people are supporting each other. I love trying new things like with Laughter Yoga.
Trivia I learned about myself this month: I learned I still have a lot to learn on this trip. Specifically about Women's Suffrage. the way Equal Rights are won and Mia learned she's still an art work in progress and she "GETS TO". Mia knows she gets to learn more each and every day about how to balance her life.
What's been the hardest or least favorite this month? Seeing all the destruction and in the ways we as Americans aren't supporting our own country this months example is: Katrina
What's next? New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada
If you have any other questions or want more in depth answers please feel free to ask :)
This next month I'm continuing to practice the skills of staying in the present moment, and connecting with people as I meet them. I'm also practicing being inspired by the small things, the everyday and common things of life.
I am adding to my practice: Exercise, Healthier Eating, Acceptance of all people.
Will you practice with me?